Friday, June 22, 2012


Remember when we used to write on here...

Just came across this and though of all of you...

missing you and the many memories we have made!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Good Things To Come

Well I feel like it has been too long since someone wrote something on here!! I miss my girls! How are you? How are you lives? What are you doing??

As I am sure you have heard by now, I just up and moved to California! It really has been such a blessing and a much needed change in my life! I have landed in the most adorable house, straight out of a pottery barn catalog! And I am pretty sure I couldn't have found cuter roommates!! I have been wanting to move here for almost a year now, and so when life tossed me some lemons I decided it was time to make some lemonade and make a BIG change in my life! It has been near one of the sweetest experiences of my life and I truly have felt myself becoming more acquainted with the Lord day-by-day! This has become my new favorite quote...

I love that man, and his words have brought me so much peace this past month! I am learning to not only trust God... but I am also learning how important to keep believing that there are good things coming my way! I remember my mom always telling me when Christmas time came around, "If you don't believe, you won't receive!" How true that rings now!

Hope all is well my sweet sisters!! Please come visit me any time you like!! I have room and I live 15 minutes from my dear friend Mickey!!


PS Here is Elder Holland's talk on Good things to Come

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Welcome Spring! We have been waiting for you to come!!!

What a glorious time of year! It makes me SO happy! Just thought I would share a few pics!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Favorite Store

Check it out girls! I LOVE IT!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I got to hold baby Sophie!!! Prayers work people... What a little delight and blessing this little chubba is!! Can you tell I am so excited? Lily is just so happy to be a big sister! It is adorable!!

Thank you for your prayers! I sure love you girls!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sophie Marie Lefrandt

I am sure you girls have heard by now but I am an Aunt again! It hasn't been the easiest road but we have felt the love and prayers of so many and know that there is an army of friends fighting for Sophie :)

Ashley went in for an emergency C-section and as a result Sophie was born with a punctured lung and some serious infections. The good news is today she is off oxygen!!! She will still be in
the hospital for another 14 days or so but things are looking so much happier! Mom and Dad finally get to hold her and she is nursing!

It is times like these where I am reminded of the blessings in my life, you, my wonderful friends are such blessings!! Thank you for your prayers and kind words during what seems like so many of our family trials :)

Our family scripture is always a great strength to me!

"Therefore, dearly beloved...let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power, and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for His arm to be revealed" D&C 123:17

Sure love you all!



Monday, February 22, 2010

*Lily Girls*

So Meg inspired me with her adorable baby picture!! This is my niece when she was about 1! But I am going to be an aunt again in a couple of weeks and I couldn't be more excited for baby Sophie to arrive!!

Can't wait til I can put my little babies in pearls... aww so adorable!

